고객님의 단순변심에 의한 반품 및 교환시 왕복운송료는 구매자님의 부담입니다. The … Feb 20, 2023 · A 40-mm M381 (HE) shot with a fragmentation grenade equipped with an instantaneous fuse, which is cocked after the shot, at a distance of 8-10 feet from the … Aug 10, 2023 · A 40-mm M381 (HE) shot with a fragmentation grenade equipped with an instantaneous fuse, which is cocked after the shot, at a distance of 8-10 feet from the … 2 days ago · The 40x46mm is a grenade launcher cartridge used for grenade launchers and underbarrel grenade launchers in Escape from Tarkov . Description A 40-mm M386 (HE) shot with a fragmentation grenade equipped with an instantaneous fuse, which is cocked after the shot, at a distance of 45-90 feet from the muzzle. Download Windows 7 Drvier Windows 10 (x86, x64) Download Windows 10 Drvier 09:48PM EEST Mykonos Island National - JMK. These rounds include high-explosive, illuminating, signaling, CS, training, and multi-purpose ammunition. This cartridge is a high explosive round designed to inflict personnel casualties from ground burst effect, and is fired from 40mm Grenade Launcher … 40×47 mm is a cartridge caliber produced in Poland for their Pallad wz. However, after I tested GL40 using M381, it will only explode at a distance of more than 18. 설치 가능 OS : Windows 7, Windows 102. CARTRIDGE, 40mm, HE, M381 Description. 40x46mm M381 (HE) grenade - price monitoring, charts, price history, fee, crafts, barters. M386 HE, high explosive Basic high-explosive shell.This cartridge is a fixed round of ammunition consisting of a projectile assembly and a cartridge case assembly.com is the number one paste tool since 2002. 40×46mm types include the M381, M386, M406, and M441. Departure is today 10/8/2023 at 18:55 EEST at Chios from Terminal -- Gate --.3.26 1-5 90 15x F1 40x46mm M441 (HE) grenade (M441) is a 40x46mm ammunition type in Escape from Tarkov.10. Community content is available under CC BY-NC-SA unless otherwise noted.09.S. Read description.26 1-7 70 10x M67 Shrapnel: 76 Subsonic Peacekeeper LL3 after Worst Job in the World: 40x46mm M406 (HE) grenade: 199 1 0. M32A1 40mm cylinder (MSGL) is a magazine in Escape from Tarkov. M386 HE, high explosive Basic high-explosive shell. Sep 10, 2023 · 40x46mm M381 (HE) grenade. 배송 비용 : ₩4,000. specifically for the M203 launcher includes: High Explosive (HE): M381 United States 40 mm grenades - Wikipedia Suitable for most 40mm cartridges such as King Arms M381 HE VN and M433 HEDP cartridge Caribbean Thriller Series, Books 1-3: A Charity Styles Bundle King Arms 60R Cartridge M381 HE VN Box Set (3 Pcs) [KA-GL . 40x46mm M386 (HE) grenade (M386) is a 40x46mm ammunition type in Escape … Oct 13, 2023 · Languages. 83 grenade launcher (standalone variant fitted with standard pistol grip and folding stock from the AKMS assault rifle). 0h 20m.NO -[ 762-87-00676 ] [사업자정보확인] NETWORK REG. 60R Cartridge M381 HE VN / 3 Pcs: 제조사: King Arms: 판매가: 115,000원 : 적립금: 1,100원 (1%) 2,300원 (2%) 1,100원 (1%) 상품코드: P0000EZK: 수량: 관련상품수: 0 Oct 15, 2023 · 40x46mm M381 (HE) grenade (M381) is a 40x46mm ammunition type in Escape from Tarkov.23 12:03.8 mm) 0. Weapons that use it. Oct 15, 2023 · High explosive grenades were one of the first rounds created for the 40×46mm and 40×53mm calibers, and while basic HE grenades have largely been replaced by more complex multi-purpose ones, they are nonetheless an important part of their development. Oct 2, 2023 · Description.2023 16:52 40x46mm M381 (HE) grenade (M381) A 40-mm M381 (HE) shot with a fragmentation grenade equipped with an instantaneous fuse, which is cocked after the shot, at a distance of 8-10 feet from the muzzle.89 in (98. 배송 기간 : 2일 ~ 7일. Other high-explosive cartridges HE, high explosive M381 HE, high explosive Basic high-explosive shell.4 - 3 m) Danger radius: 66 ft (20 m) M386: HE: 3. 교환 안내및 환불안내 1. Community content is available under CC BY-NC-SA unless otherwise noted.23 18:31. Description. 40x46mm M381 (HE) grenade - price monitoring, charts, price history, fee, crafts, barters. A 40-mm M381 (HE) shot with a fragmentation grenade equipped with an instantaneous fuse, which is cocked after the shot, at a distance of 8-10 feet from the muzzle. This grenade launcher uses the well-established principle of a revolver to achieve a high rate of accurate fire that can be quickly aimed at a target.23 kg) 45 - 90 ft (14 - 27 m) Casualty radius: 427 ft (130 m) Kill radius: 16 40×46 mm types include the M381, M386, M406, and M441. Cannot be listed for sale on the flea market. 2. 사이즈는 아래 사진을 참고하세요. If fired into snow or mud, 40mm rounds may not hit hard enough to detonate. 제품 이상시 100% 교환 및 환불을 해드리며 왕복 운송료는 (주)삼손레포츠에서 부담합니다. The M386/M406 differ from the M381/M441 in that they have longer arming distances (14–28 meters compared to the 2–3 meters of the M381 and M441).com ) Contact toylife@naver. Banned from flea.503 lb (0. 수많은 적들을 상대하려면 제각각 상대에게 적합한 탄종이 필요하겠죠.8 mm) 0. Aegean A381 / AEE81 Flight details & Flight status.noitamrofni erom rof moc. Wiki. The national Aegean flight A381 / AEE81 departs from Chios [JKH], Greece and flies to Thessaloniki [SKG], Greece.5 meters, which is far more than 2-3 meters. Missing image M406 HE, high explosive Basic high-explosive shell.배택 : 법방 송배 . 40×46 mm types include the M381, M386, M406, and M441.50 lb (0. 배송 안내 : - 평일은 오후 6시, 토요일은 낮 12시까지 주문 및 결재를 완료하시면 특별한 경우를 제외하고는 다음날 받아 보실 수 … Sep 10, 2023 · COMPANY -(주)삼손레포츠 OWNER -김명호 COMPANY REG. M386 HE . 1 day ago · M32A1 MSGL 40mm six-shot grenade launcher manufactured by Milkor USA.23 kg) 8 - 10 ft (2. M320, M203, and M79 grenade launchers.

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Get Alerts. A 40-mm M433 (High Explosive Dual Purpose) shot with a fragmentation grenade equipped with an instantaneous fuse, which is cocked after the shot, at a distance of 45-90 feet Jul 20, 2022 · Pastebin. The projectile consists of an anodized yellow aluminum nose cap, an aluminum forward body assembly. M397 Airburst .90 :detadpU · 3202 ,41 tcO . 이 탄약들의 효과에 대해 더 알고 싶으시면 탄도학 (Ballistics) 페이지를 참조하세요. Grenade launchers FN40GL Mk2 40mm grenade … Oct 10, 2023 · Description.23 18:31.89 in (98. Join FlightAware View more flight history Purchase entire flight history for AEE381. M441 HE, high explosive Basic high-explosive shell. 배송 지역 : 전국지역. Ammo 40x46 mm. M320, M203, and M79 grenade launchers. 40x46mm M381 (HE) grenade: 199 1 0. A 40-mm M386 (HE) shot with a fragmentation grenade equipped with an instantaneous fuse, which is cocked after the shot, at a distance of 45-90 feet from the muzzle. This cartridge is a fixed round of ammunition consisting of a projectile assembly and a cartridge case assembly. CNC 가공과 아노다이징 처리로 외간이 깔끔하며, 무엇보다도 탄흘러 내림이 적습니다. This cartridge is a fixed round of ammunition consisting of a projectile assemblyand a cartridge case jp A 40-mm M381 (HE) shot with a fragmentation grenade equipped with an instantaneous fuse, which is cocked after the shot, at a distance of BB cartridge for grenade launcher King Arms 120rd M381 HE VN 40mm Cartridges (1pc) 40x46mm M381 (HE Fluke 381은 클램프 미터 에서 기대하는 모든 기능을 갖추고 있으며, 디스플레이를 이동할 수 있으므로 유연성이 훨씬 뛰어납니다. The projectile consists of an anodized yellow aluminum nose cap, an aluminum forward body assembly. Community content is available under CC BY-NC-SA unless otherwise noted. Overall Length 3. 기술문의 : 1566-0841 (고객지원부 AS팀)드라이버 목록 Windows 7 (x86, x64) * [ME 드라이버] [RST 드라이버] 설치 시 [닷넷 프레임워크 4. 40x53 mm types include the M383 (and the M383E1) and the M384. Aug 31, 2017 · CARTRIDGE, 40mm, HE, M381 Description. Updated: 08. 2.23 kg) 8 - 10 ft (2. Can be found on Big Pipe Cannot be listed for sale on the flea market.NO -2017-광주북구-447 TEL -062-351-1911 FAX -062-522-1911 ADDRESS -61232 광주광역시 북구 무등로 57 (운암동) 2층 WEB MASTER -김명호( toylife@naver. Oct 5, 2023 · COMPANY -(주)삼손레포츠 OWNER -김명호 COMPANY REG. 40x46mm M576 (MP-APERS) grenade (M576) is a 40x46mm ammunition type in Escape from Tarkov. Oct 10, 2023 · Description. 40x46mm M381 (HE) grenade - price monitoring, charts, price history, fee, crafts, barters. A 40-mm M386 (HE) shot with a fragmentation grenade equipped with an instantaneous fuse, which is cocked after the shot, at a distance of 45-90 feet from the muzzle. This page describes the most commonly used 40mm low-velocity rounds for the U.02. Oct 31, 2016 · M381 HE M386 HE M397 Airburst M397A1 Airburst M406 High-explosive (HE) M433 High-explosive dual purpose (HEDP) M441 HE M576 Buckshot M583A1 40MM WS PARA ILLUM; M585 White star cluster; M651 CS ; M661 Green star cluster; M662 Red star cluster; M676 Yellow smoke canopy M680 White smoke canopy M682 Red smoke … Oct 10, 2023 · Description. HE, high explosive M381 HE, high explosive Basic high-explosive shell. A 40-mm M433 (High Explosive Dual Purpose) shot with a fragmentation grenade equipped with an instantaneous fuse, which is cocked after the … Oct 12, 2023 · Mods. 40x46mm M433 (HEDP) grenade (M433) is a 40x46mm ammunition type in Escape from Tarkov. Fluke 381을 도체 주위에 부착하고 디스플레이를 이동하여 실내를 40mm Low-Velocity Grenades - Gary's Place CARTRIDGE, 40mm, HE, M381 - Yumpu 40x46mm M381 (HE) grenade - Tarkov Ballistics This cartridge is a high explosive round designed to inflict personnel casualties from ground burst effect, and is fired from 40mm Grenade Launcher M79 or the KING ARMS 120R Cartridge M381 HE VN - 건사이트 Target 참고사항1. Missing image Feb 25, 2010 · M381: HE: 3.26 1-7 70 10x M67 Shrapnel: 76 Subsonic Loot only 40x46mm M433 (HEDP) grenade: 199 1 0.deton esiwrehto sselnu AS-CN-YB CC rednu elbaliava si tnetnoc ytinummoC . 10:08PM EEST Athens Int'l, Eleftherios Venizelos - ATH. 9,800₽ 40x46mm M381 (HE) grenade (M381) is a 40x46mm ammunition type in Escape from Tarkov. 이 페이지엔 Escape from Tarkov 에 등장하는 모든 탄약 (ammunition) 들이 정리되어 있습니다.com for more information. 40x46mm M386 (HE) grenade (M386) is a 40x46mm ammunition type in Escape from Tarkov.04 1-7 70 10x M67 Shrapnel: 76 Subsonic Loot only 40x46mm M386 (HE) grenade: 199 1 0. 목차 1 권총 탄종 2 개인방어화기 (PDW) 탄종 3 소총 탄종 4 산탄총 탄종 5 유탄 발사기 탄종 권총 탄종 개인방어화기 (PDW) 탄종 소총 탄종 산탄총 탄종 교환 및 반품정보. 76 m/s. A 40-mm M441 (HE) shot with a fragmentation grenade equipped with an instantaneous fuse, which is cocked after the shot, at a distance of 8-10 feet from the muzzle. M406 High-explosive (HE) .89 … Feb 25, 2010 · DESCRIPTION. 40x46mm M386 (HE) grenade (M386) is a 40x46mm ammunition type in Escape … Oct 15, 2023 · 교환 및 반품정보. 제품 이상시 100% 교환 및 환불을 해드리며 왕복 운송료는 (주)삼손레포츠에서 부담합니다. Mods.edanerg )EH( 604M mm64x04 ₽521,71 . Grenade launchers FN40GL M32A1 Underbarrel grenade launchers M203 120R Cart M381 HE VN Ver3 / 3 Pcs: 제조사: King Arms: 판매가: 125,000원 : 적립금: 1,200원 (1%) 2,500원 (2%) 1,200원 (1%) 상품코드: P0000EZE: 수량: 관련상품수: 0 M381 Type - Rounds Size - 1x1 Caliber 40x46 View in the ammo table A 40-mm M381 (HE) shot with a fragmentation grenade equipped with an instantaneous fuse, which is cocked after the shot, at a distance of 8-10 feet from the muzzle. Price.8 mm) 0. The cartridge is a fixed round of ammunition consisting of a projectile assembly and a cartridge case assembly. Aug 31, 2017 · CARTRIDGE, 40mm, HE, M381. 이제 한 명의 기술자가 두 명이 필요한 작업을 수행할 수 있습니다. The … Oct 15, 2023 · 배송정보. May 5, 2023 · 킹암스 HE VN type 120발 비비샤워입니다. < 특 징 > - M381 HE VN type cartridge for grenade launcher.50 lb (0. The construction is similar to the one used in 40×46 mm grenades, but they are not interchangeable. M576 Buckshot . Caliber 40x46. The 40x46mm is a grenade launcher cartridge used for grenade launchers and underbarrel grenade launchers in Escape from Tarkov. Other high-explosive cartridges Description This cartridge is a high explosive round designed to inflict personnel casualties from ground burst effect, and is fired from 40mm Grenade Launcher M79 or the M203 (attached to the M16 series rifle). A 40-mm M441 (HE) shot with a fragmentation grenade equipped with an instantaneous fuse, which is cocked after the shot, at a distance of 8-10 feet from the muzzle.

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and a steel fragmentation ball with integral fuze assembly. The estimated flight duration is 1:15 hours and the distance is 364 kilometers.elzzum eht morf teef 01-8 fo ecnatsid a ta ,tohs eht retfa dekcoc si hcihw ,esuf suoenatnatsni na htiw deppiuqe edanerg noitatnemgarf a htiw tohs )EH( 183M mm-04 A . 회사명 detonator 대표 이종민 대표전화 02-711-8388 팩스 0504-229-5512; 주소 140013 서울 용산구 한강로3가 16-9 용산전자랜드 신관4층421호(신주소:서울특별시 용산구 청파로 74 용산전자랜드 신관 4층421호); 사업자 등록번호 106-07-33564 통신판매업 신고 2008-서울용산-0729 사업자정보확인. 120R Cartridge M381 HE VN Box Set (3pcs) 제조사 : King Arms 판매가 : 120,000 원: 품절 Sep 10, 2023 · Flea price monitoring, charts, price history, crafts, barters, btc farm profit, quests, weapon loadouts for Escape From Tarkov 2 days ago · COMPANY INFO. M576 is a 40mm buckshot shot shell. A standard-issue cylinder for the M32A1 MSGL revolver grenade launcher. M441 HE, high explosive Basic high-explosive shell.4 - 3 m) Casualty radius: 427 ft (130 m) Kill radius: 16 ft (5 m) M382: Practice: 3. < 특 징 > - M381 HE VN type cartridge for grenade launcher. 다운로드 받은 후 압축 해제하고 사용하세요. A 40-mm M381 (HE) shot with a fragmentation grenade equipped with an instantaneous fuse, which is cocked after the shot, at a distance of 8-10 feet from the muzzle. KING ARMS 120R Cartridge M381 HE VN Box Set (3 Pcs) Version III : 판매가: 120,000원 : 소비자가: 120,000원: 제조사: kingarms: 원산지: hk: 적립금: 1,200원 (1%) 수량 US Cartridge, 40mm HE, M381 ScrollPrevTopNextMore Description This cartridge is a high explosive round designed to inflict personnel casualties from ground burst effect, and is fired from 40mm Grenade Launcher M79 or the M203 (attached to the M16 series rifle). A 40-mm M386 (HE) shot with a fragmentation grenade equipped with an instantaneous fuse, which is cocked after the shot, at a distance of 45-90 feet from the muzzle. 킹암스 HE VN type 120발 비비샤워입니다. An undetonated round may explode when M381 HE M386 HE M397 Airburst M397A1 Airburst M406 High-explosive (HE) M433 High-explosive dual purpose (HEDP) M441 HE M576 Buckshot M583A1 40MM WS PARA ILLUM; M585 White star cluster; M651 CS ; M661 Green star cluster; M662 Red star cluster; M676 Yellow smoke canopy M680 White smoke canopy M682 Red smoke canopy M713 Ground marker - Red Feb 20, 2023 · 20. 탄종의 이름을 클릭하면 해당 탄종의 목록으로 넘어갑니다. Community content is available under CC BY-NC-SA unless otherwise noted. Community content is available under CC BY-NC-SA unless otherwise noted. A standard-issue cylinder for the M32A1 MSGL revolver grenade launcher. If fired into snow or mud, 40mm rounds may not hit hard enough to detonate.NO -2017-광주북구-447 TEL -062-351-1911 FAX -062-522-1911 ADDRESS -61232 광주광역시 북구 무등로 57 (운암동) 2층 WEB MASTER -김명호( toylife@naver. These rounds include high-explosive, illuminating, signaling, CS, training, and multi-purpose ammunition. Read description Item purchase Demand — Banned at the flea market Where to find the item Streets of Tarkov 117 한국어 탄약 (Ammunition) 편집 Tarkov 의 혼란 속에서, 당신은 수많은 탄약들을 발견할 수 있을 것입니다.89 in (98. 40x46mm M433 (HEDP) grenade (M433) is a 40x46mm ammunition type in Escape from Tarkov. A320. CNC 가공과 아노다이징 처리로 외간이 깔끔하며, 무엇보다도 탄흘러 내림이 적습니다. Muzzle Velocity. M433 High-explosive dual purpose (HEDP) M441 HE .26 1-7 70 10x M67 Shrapnel: 76 Subsonic Peacekeeper LL3 after Worst Job in the World: 40x46mm M406 (HE) grenade: 199 1 0.다니입품제 은좋 도성이용 비정 고많 도수탄장 .NO -[ 762-87-00676 ] [사업자정보확인] NETWORK REG. 74 rifle-mounted grenade launchers (used with the AK family of rifles in the Polish Army, like the AKM/AKMS, Tantal and Beryl) and Pallad-D wz. The M386/M406 differ from the M381/M441 in that they have longer arming distances (14-28 meters compared to the 2-3 meters of the M381 and M441).89 inch Diameter 40mm Oct 14, 2023 · 40x46毫米 M381(HE) - price monitoring, charts, price history, fee, crafts, barters Jan 9, 2022 · The description of the 40x46mm M381(HE) grenade says, "cocked after the shot, at a distance of 2–3 meters from the muzzle". 40x53 mm types include the M383 (and the M383E1) and the M384. Overall Length 3. Rounds Categories Languages Community content is available under CC BY-NC-SA unless otherwise noted. 고객님의 단순변심에 의한 반품 및 교환시 왕복운송료는 구매자님의 부담입니다. and a steel fragmentation ball with integral fuze assembly. Cannot be listed for sale on the flea market. M576 is a 40mm buckshot shot shell. Languages.This cartridge is a fixed round of ammunition consisting of a projectile assembly and a cartridge case assembly. … 2 days ago · 40x46mm M381 (HE) grenade: 199 1 0. A 40-mm M381 (HE) shot with a fragmentation grenade equipped … Oct 14, 2023 · Updated: 08. Properties. … Oct 31, 2016 · M381 HE . Community content is available under CC BY-NC-SA unless otherwise noted.1 내안불환 및내안 환교 . M381. Cannot be listed for sale on the flea market. Missing image M406 HE, high explosive Basic high-explosive shell. M32A1 40mm cylinder (MSGL) is a magazine in Escape from Tarkov. 사이즈는 아래 사진을 참고하세요.26 1-7 70 10x M67 Shrapnel: 76 Subsonic Loot only 40x46mm M433 (HEDP) … Oct 11, 2023 · 40x46mm M441 (HE) grenade (M441) is a 40x46mm ammunition type in Escape from Tarkov. M397A1 Airburst .com ) Contact [email protected]]를 먼저 설치 하세요. Description. MP-APERS stands for M ultiple P rojectile A nti PERS onnel.04 1-7 70 10x M67 Shrapnel: 76 Subsonic Loot only 40x46mm M386 (HE) grenade: 199 1 0.40x46mm M381 (HE) grenade (M381) is a 40x46mm ammunition type in Escape from Tarkov. Types. Community content is available under CC BY-NC-SA unless otherwise noted. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. View in the ammo table. Missing image 영업시간 변경안내; 크리스마스 휴무 및 배송안내; 2020년 추석 연휴 배송안내~! : ) 2020년 5월 5일(화) 어린이날 휴무 공지 입니다~! 2020년 새해에도 가정에 사랑과 평안이 가득하시길 바랍니다~ Range Charts Type Charts A 40-mm M381 (HE) shot with a fragmentation grenade equipped with an instantaneous fuse, which is cocked after the shot, at a distance of 8-10 feet from the muzzle. Cannot be listed for sale on the flea market. Feb 25, 2010 · This page describes the most commonly used 40mm low-velocity rounds for the U.S. A 40-mm M381 (HE) shot with a fragmentation grenade equipped with an instantaneous fuse, which is cocked after the shot, at a distance of 8-10 feet from the muzzle.09. 장탄수도 많고 정비 용이성도 좋은 제품입니다. Type - Rounds Size - 1x1.